How to Get Into Cycling



Cycling is a fun activity that can also help with your fitness levels; many people choose to cycle as part of their hobbies and use cycling as a method of transportation. If you enjoy cycling, you can save lots of money getting the bus or paying for petrol, and it's much better for the environment and your health. We have some tips to help you get into cycling. 

Get a good bike

The main piece of equipment you need for cycling is a bike; if you plan on cycling regularly, you’ll want something that’s reliable and easy to maintain. The best place to get this kind of bike is at a bike shop where trained staff members can advise you on the best bike for your needs. They will be able to tell you all the pros and cons of different types of bikes and recommend one for a beginner cyclist. The size of the bike is also critical to ensure the ride is comfortable; the staff at the bike shop will show you bikes that are suitable for your height. Many bike shops will also adjust your bike for your needs before you take it away. 

Learn about your bike

Owning a bike is great, but it pays to learn about how your bike works. When you understand this, you’ll be able to keep it in top condition and do any necessary repairs yourself. Take the time to read about bike maintenance and any problem signs and learn how to do common repairs. This knowledge will help you when you come across issues in the future. 

Start of slowly

If you haven’t cycled in a long time or since childhood, you need to start off slowly. Do 10-15 minute bike rides to begin with and slowly increase your times when you have more stamina. Starting with an hour bike ride might leave you with sore muscles and a sore saddle, and you will potentially be less likely to return on the bike. When you start slowly and increase your time on the bike, you’re more likely to enjoy each ride and want to get back on it the following day. Beginners should also avoid cycling in bad weather; this can be very off-putting and much more dangerous for cyclists. 

Get the accessories 

The accessories you need for cycling will depend on your travel distances and when you’re using your bike. The main accessory you need is a helmet; this will protect your head if you fall off your bike, potentially saving your life. If you’re regularly travelling to work and need to leave your bike outside, you will probably need a good quality bike lock to prevent theft. You may also need bike lights if you’re riding in the dark or in the evenings when it begins to go dark. A water bottle holder and water bottle can be helpful if you’re doing long or intensive bike rides, and cycling energy gels can also be useful if you’re competing in a long-distance event. Every cyclist should also carry the basic tools they need to get out of a sticky situation. This might be a puncture repair kit and a tire pump or more specialist tools, depending on where you’re cycling. 

Rules of the road

If you’re unfamiliar with or you’ve forgotten the rules of the road for cyclists, you should read these again before you head out on your bike. The highway code will provide you with this information and ensure you’re prepared for different road situations. This information is vital for keeping yourself and others safe on the road when you’re cycling. 

Join a community 

Once you’ve started cycling, one of the main challenges is staying motivated and keeping it up. Joining a community can help you with this; you will be able to get tips and advice from other cyclists and participate in group cycling events. In addition, having other people who enjoy cycling as friends can motivate you to stick to the activity, even when you might feel like giving up. 

Cycling is a great way to save money, improve your fitness and get around without polluting the environment. If you want to start cycling, follow the advice above to get started.