Corporate Event Planning 101



Planning a corporate event can be an enormous task. With numerous moving parts and so much to remember, exceptional organisational skills are invariably required, not to mention a keen eye for detail. Successful corporate events are crucial for team-building, networking and fostering a culture of collaboration between employees, partners and suppliers, proving highly beneficial to the growth of any business. If you’ve been tasked with organising a grand corporate event, here are some tips to consider. 

Visualise The End Product

Before you begin planning your event, consider the end product - what is the purpose of your event? Perhaps it’s a product launch, a professional skills development conference, or a company milestone party. Either way, it is vital that you continuously recall your desired outcome throughout the planning process. You can do this by keeping a virtual mood board or defining your aims and objectives in writing. 

Set Your Budget

Your budget will define every move you make throughout the planning process - from the choice of venue to the catering options. Create a budget sheet using a web-based document editor such as Google Docs - this way, everybody involved in planning your event will have remote access to the budget information and can make changes where appropriate. You can then list the required components and estimates regarding pricing. You should also calculate a contingency budget to account for unforeseen expenses - this will grant you peace of mind and give your planning team some “wiggle room”. 

Make Lists

Never underestimate the power of a list to keep you on track. Again, it is wise to store any information relating to your event using cloud computing for convenience and security - how many times have you made a list on a scrap of office paper that subsequently becomes lost? Using a digital format to track your progress will help to ensure no details are missed. List your venue choices, decoration ideas, marketing collateral plans, and everything else so you can tackle each element individually. 

Choose Your Location Wisely

The location of your event should appropriately reflect your theme, atmosphere and company values. For example, suppose your event is to commemorate a significant company milestone. In that case, your venue should smack of luxury and celebration - potentially somewhere grand, opulent and upmarket, like a stately home or private terrace. Other factors should also be considered, such as accessibility and the presence of facilities, which are vital if you are expecting guests with additional needs. Furthermore, your event doesn't need to be local, as there are plenty of excellent MICE locations overseas, such as Singapore or Malta - corporate events in Malta are exceptionally popular due to the convenient location, pleasant climate and excellent business tourism infrastructure. 

Set Your Date

Once you have a general idea of how you want your event to unfold, set a date as early as possible. Planning in advance will save you time, hassle and, most importantly, money. Your choice of date will depend on several factors, including venue availability and how long it will take to organise your event. As a rule of thumb, leave at least six months’ notice for local affairs and even longer for events in other cities or overseas. For example, if you’re considering somewhere abroad, your guests will need plenty of time to organise travel, childcare and accommodation.

Consider Your Guestlist

Drafting the guestlist for your event will be tricky, and depending on your venue capacity, you may need to be ruthless, inviting only your target audience. Consider who your event is for - employees, management, clients, business partners, etc. For example, if your event is to celebrate a product launch, you will want to invite individuals who can boost sales in the marketplace, such as influencers and journalists. Additionally, don’t forget to offer your guests the option of a “plus-one” so guests can bring along a partner, friend or relative. 

Consider A Theme

A strong theme can really elevate your event, taking it to the next level so your guests will remember it for months, even years to come. Choose an appropriate theme wisely to align with your desired outcome and atmosphere. For example, you could opt for a casino theme and request your guests come dressed in their finest black tie outfits. You could reinforce this theme by decorating accordingly and hiring casino tables to create a wonderfully interactive experience. Of course, a theme isn’t 100% necessary, but it could help drum up excitement and anticipation.